/* * Display device info. * * @note More detail information of SystemInfo that see below url. * http://docs-jp.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/SystemInfo.html */ using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Sample_KindleCheck : MonoBehaviour { string debug_message; //!< Display strings GUIStyle labelStyle; //!< GUI text public static AndroidJavaClass unityPlayer; public static string MODEL {get; set;} public static string MANUFACTURER {get; set;} void Start(){ Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; //Set screen to portrait. //Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; //Set screen to landscape. Screen.sleepTimeout = SleepTimeout.NeverSleep; //No sleep device when running this app. labelStyle = new GUIStyle(); labelStyle.fontSize = Screen.height / 60; labelStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; debug_message = "deviceModel: "+ SystemInfo.deviceModel + "\n"; if(Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android){ // is this Android device? AndroidJavaClass buildClass = new AndroidJavaClass("android.os.Build"); MANUFACTURER = buildClass.GetStatic<string>("MANUFACTURER"); MODEL = buildClass.GetStatic<string>("MODEL"); debug_message += string.Format("MANUFACTURER: {0}\nMODEL: {1}\n", MANUFACTURER, MODEL); //Kindle check if(MANUFACTURER=="Amazon") debug_message += "This is KINDLE"; else debug_message += "This is not KINDLE"; } } void OnGUI(){ float x = Screen.width / 30; float w = Screen.width * 8 / 10; float h = Screen.height / 19; string text = string.Format("{0}", debug_message); GUI.Label(new Rect(x, 64, w, h), text, labelStyle); } }-----
- android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER に "Amazon"が格納されている
- android.os.Build.MODELに モデル名が格納されている
※モデル名は SystemInfo.deviceModel からでも取得できる。
モデル名 機種 (第一世代)Android 2.3.3(Gingerbread / API level10) "kindle Fire" Kindle Fire (第二世代)Android4.0.3( Ice Cream Sandwich / API level15) "KFOT" Kindle Fire "KFTT" Kindle Fire HD "KFJWA" Kindle Fire HD8.9 (wan) "KFJWI" Kindle Fire HD8.9 (wi-fi) (第三世代)Fire OS 3.0。Android4.2.2(JellyBean / API level17) "KFSOWI" Kindle Fire HD "KFTHWA" Kindle Fire HDX (wan) "KFTHWI" Kindle Fire HDX (wi-fi) "KFAPWA" Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 (wan) "KFAPWI" Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 (wifi)
今後、MANUFACTURER=="Amazon" だけではFire Phoneも該当する可能性がありえそうです(実機が無いので未確認)。
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